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Creative and Culture Industries: transform and innovate to enable new business opportunities

21. Oktober 2022
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Halle 4.2, Raum Brillanz

Three Horizon 2020 projects Mobius(Öffnet neues Fenster), Starts Prize(Öffnet neues Fenster) and MediaFutures(Öffnet neues Fenster) are currently running EU-funded initiatives for Creative and Cultural Industries leveraging the power of merging arts, science and technology for creating new contents, products and services.

STARTS Prize will lead the three projects through a policy dialogue event: “Creative and Culture Industries: transform and innovate to enable new business opportunities”.

11:00-11:05 Introduction

Simona De Rosa, T6 Ecosystems, partner.

11:05-11:30 Keynote speech

Dr. Christian Ehler, Member of the European Parliament, Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

11:30-12:15 Round table

Patricia Castillo Cardenas, Interim Chief Communication and Engagement Officer of the EIT Culture & Creativity

Veronika Liebl, Managing Director at the department Festival/Prix/Exhibitions of Ars Electronica

Olivier Braet, Senior researcher, SMIT-VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Alexandra Garatzogianni, Head of Knowledge and technology transfer, Coordinator of EU Projects, Leibniz University of Hannover

12:15 - 13:00 Best practices in terms of new business models for CCI  and Q&A

Publishing industry: Tomaso Greco, Bookabook, Founder

Media industry: Mariana Lanari, Bibliograph, Artist

Music and the arts: Valery Vermeulen, Mikromedas, Musician and produce