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Fatima Dada

Fathima Dada

Managing Director
Oxford Education, OUP

Fathima Dada has worked in education all her adult life. She enjoys working with people, particularly committed, talented, innovative thinkers who want to change the world. She loves the idea of working in an education business, bringing together education and efficacy with the edge of business, and she has also been privileged to have worked with many development organisations who support the disenfranchised in different parts of the world.
Her bio can be presented in three segments:
1. Teacher, lecturer, university external examiner, children's book and textbook author. Books Fatima has written have sold over a million copies.

2. Her corporate career. She has held almost every level of job in the education industry from strategy, global product management and marketing, to production and design, sales and sales strategy, MD, CEO and Chairman including of school chains. She is currently Managing Director of Education and Chair the board of OxfordAQA qualifications.

3. Government and NGO/Development work in policy, planning, curriculum, assessment, qualifications and implementation. Fatima has been on several ministerial committees and overseen education reform and policy development in several countries, including working for UNESCO to support changing education systems in Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia. She has been Council Member on the Schools and Vocational Quality Assurance authority in South Africa for ten years. Fatima helped lead the transformation to sustainability of the education unit of BRAC in Bangladesh.

Fatima Dada is on the board of Oasis Asset Management, and has previously been an active board member to affordable school chains, Omega (Ghana) and Spark (South Africa), Bridge (Kenya) and an Edtech start-up in India, Zaya.

She is Chairman of Africa Ignite, a not for profit, working with rural community development, and a trustee of MIET, an NGO working with vulnerable children in Africa.
