Paul Raphaël
An immersive entertainment revolutionary, Paul Raphaël combines creative and technologicalinnovation to design ever-evolving forms of storytelling. The EMMY®Award-winning filmmaker,visual artist, director and studio head is known for his projects’ remarkable sense of presenceand ingenuity. He’s enhanced how viewers consciously and personally connect with anexperience, creating incredibly life-like, emotionally authentic worlds through the technologies ofVR, AR and MR. In a decade-long collaboration with his Felix & Paul Studios co-founder FélixLajeunesse, he designed the camera technologies that brought the duo’s concepts to life.Together they created the first ever cinematic VR experience, Strangers with Patrick Watson —the project that launched Felix & Paul Studios in 2013. Since then, Paul has co-directed andoverseen the creative direction of the studio’s 21 projects, including the EMMY®Award-winninginteractive feature The People’s House with former-President Barack Obama, original VRfiction-feature experience Miyubi, and documentary series Space Explorers in collaboration withNASA. He’s brought his expertise to recent co-productions Roger Ross Williams’ Oscar-winningTraveling While Black, NFB-Clyde Henry Productions’ Gymnasia, and is working with TIME onthe latest filming of Space Explorers aboard the International Space Station, using Felix & PaulStudios’ specialized cameras. Spurring the evolution of storytelling as an interactive experience,Paul works closely with expanded technical teams and creative partners to lead Felix & PaulStudios into an elevated future of immersive entertainment.