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The nominees for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2019 have been announced

Next year, 246 candidates from 64 countries will be in the running for the world’s largest and most prestigious children’s literature award, the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award.

The Governor General of Canada to open Frankfurter Buchmesse

The Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary May Simon, will travel to Frankfurt from 19 to 21 October 2021, where she will represent Canada, the Guest of Honour at this year’s Frankfurter Buchmesse (20-24 October 2021).The Governor General will speak at the opening ceremony and the opening of the Canadian pavilion. This will be Her Excellency’s first visit abroad since being installed as the 30th Governor General of Canada on July 26, 2021.

Live Illustration

Live Illustration eines Kinderbuches

Background information on the Slovenian book market

Background information on the Slovenian book market

2nd Global Illustration Award awarded at the Frankfurter Buchmesse

Awards in five categories and one Grand Award conferred

Signierstunde mit Kinderbuchautorin Ute Krause

Ute Krause signiert ihre Kinderbuchreihe "Die Muskeltiere"

Tiere zeichnen / Drawing animals with Jakob Klemenčič

Reading and workshop, Grade 1 - 4. Free admission for groups, registration required

Live Illustration mit Live Pick

Live Illustration mit Live Pick

Frankfurter Buchmesse Wildcard: The winners are KIMBUK Festival and Scenarex

A Berlin-based children’s book festival for diversity and a Canadian blockchain startup for e-books win free book fair stand.

Images moving minds - how can film and illustration help to anchor diversity in society?

Discrimination and rejection of people who do not fit the view of the world we are used to are still commonplace. Many professions/industries are not accessible to all people in many countries. While our society is becoming increasingly diverse, this is n

Family Challenge Book - Live Pick

Vorstellung "The Family Challenge Book" mit Live Pick

Eliot und Isabella und der Trüffeldieb

Lesung & Live-Zeichnen mit Ingo Siegner!

Win a free Frankfurter Buchmesse stand with a Wild Card!

Producers of creative content can apply for a German or international Wild Card by submitting clever stand concepts.

Signierstunde mit Suza Kolb und Nina Dulleck

Im Anschluss an ihre Lesung im Frankfurt Pavilion signieren die Haferhorde-Schöpferinnen Suza Kolb und Nina Dulleck noch im Signierareal an der Open Stage auf der Agora.

ARTE „Das Buch meines Lebens“

Moderatorin Jagoda Marinic im Gespräch mit der deutschen Star-Autorin Cornelia Funke

Abdulrazak Gurnah, Donna Leon, Alok Vaid-Menon, Diane Kruger and many more: #fbm22 highlights for the general public at a glance

Live at last: visitors to Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022 will experience acclaimed authors, inspiring talks and stimulating discussions live on the main stage in the Congress Center, in the Frankfurt Studio, in the Frankfurt Pavilion and, during the evening, at BOOKFEST city events throughout Frankfurt.

OFF’n’BAR mit dem Autor Bruno Pellegrino | OFF Bühne Schweiz

Akteur*innen der Literaturbranche sprechen in einer kurzen Rede aus, was sie an- und umtreibt – heute mit dem Autor Bruno Pellegrino.

Auf der Suche nach den Fabelwesen. Begleitet Konstantin O. Boldt auf seiner sagenhaften Expedition!

Begleitet Konstantin O. Boldt auf seiner sagenhaften Expedition! Florian Schäfer entführt die Zuschauenden auf eine magische Entdeckerreise voller Abenteuer und verlorener Fabelwesen.