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"Socialism is Great!" Zhang Lijia's autobiography tells the story of a strong woman who is unwilling to resign herself to her fate. She has to work in a rocket factory, but she is determined to continue pursuing her dream of becoming a writer. She studies

A young woman has to leave school to take up a job in a missile factory. Her mother insists that she takes over her \"iron rice bowl\" - a safe job.
But Zhang Lijia wants to become a writer. And she wants much more: she wants her freedom. She wants to decide who she meets, what she wears, what she reads. 
Not so easy in 1980s China, which was strictly regulated by the Party! But Zhang decides not to let it get her down. She resolutely goes her own way - with impressive perseverance, and ultimately with great success. And she still has enough energy to organise Nanjing's biggest workers' uprising - which promptly lets the police get aware of her ...

A great novel by an author who never loses her sense of humor despite of all the obstactles life sometimes has built for her!

Plakat von Zhang Lija in einem industriellen Raum mit einem Stapel Bücher

© Drachenhaus Verlag

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Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

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Es lebe der Sozialismus! Ein Leben für den Staat? 
– Eine Frau verteidigt ihren Weg gegen das chinesische System Lijia Zhang

author, Drachenhaus Verlag