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Discrimination and rejection of people who do not fit the view of the world we are used to are still commonplace. Many professions/industries are not accessible to all people in many countries. While our society is becoming increasingly diverse, this is n

Discrimination and rejection of people who do not fit the view of the world we are used to are still commonplace.

Many professions/industries are not accessible to all people in many countries. While our society is becoming increasingly diverse, this is not reflected in pictures, books, film.

Kamran Sadar Khan and Benjamin Lacombe discuss with Katharina Ewald on the ALDUS UP Stage about what contribution film and illustration can offer to change this.

© Romuald Meigneux, Jacoby&Stuart, Privat



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60327 Frankfurt am Main

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© Romuald Meigneux

Benjamin Lacombe

Illustrator and author

© Privat

Kamran Sardar Khan


© Roanna Rahman

Katharina Ewald

Digital Manager, DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum