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Pandemics, wars, climate change and a society that finds less and less space for the search for common solutions to shared problems force us to ask ourselves about the future

Pandemics, wars, climate change and a society that finds less and less space for the search for common solutions to shared problems force us to ask ourselves about the future. Three expert voices in the field discuss culture and philosophy in today's world. Organized by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport.

For this event, people with hearing aids or cochlear implants can borrow portable induction loops that connect to the translation system receivers. Translation will be provided into English and German. The induction slings are available at the particular stage without prior registration.

© Two Points

Author event


Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte
Free access


© Tania González

César Rendueles


© @Uli

Olga Amarís Duarte


© Judith Moreno

Irene Ortiz Gala
