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The main stage of the guest country pavilion is named after Srečko Kosovel (1904–1926), the most prominent Slovenian avant-garde poet. The book will be presented by the translator Ludwig Hartinger and the graphic artist Christian Thanhäuser. 

Srečko Kosovel did not publish much in his far too short life, nevertheless he left behind an extensive legacy, some of which has been rediscovered by his congenial translator Ludwig Hartinger. His poems range from descriptions of nature of the distinctive Karst landscape to gloomy warnings of impending war and apocalyptic visions of Europe to playful collages and constructivist poems that he called KONS. His life and work will be presented by the translator of his works Ludwig Hartinger, the graphic artist and publisher Christian Thanhäuser, and the director of Otto Müller Verlag Nadine Hötzendorfer-Fejzuli. The book of poems titled Mein Gedicht ist mein Gesicht was published in 2004 by Edition Thanhäuser and in 2022 in an expanded new edition by Otto Müller Verlag. The discussion will be held in German.

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Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Ehrengast 2023: Slowenien
Free access


Ludwig Hartinger


Christian Thanhäuser


Nadine Hötzendorfer-Fejzuli
