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Monday, 12 October 2020, starting at 6.00 p.m.

Experience the “Novel of the Year” awards ceremony live

Once again, Germany’s Foundation for Book Culture and the Promotion of Reading (Stiftung Buchkultur und Leseförderung) of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association will present this year's German-language "Novel of the Year" award at the opening of Frankfurter Buchmesse. Out of 206 new releases, the jury has chosen six titles. Experience the awards ceremony live from home – digitally worldwide.

The Shortlist 2020:

  • Bov Bjerg: Serpentinen (English: Switchbacks), Claassen, January 2020
  • Dorothee Elmiger: Aus der Zuckerfabrik (English: Out of the Sugar Factory), Carl Hanser, August 2020
  • Thomas Hettche: Herzfaden (English: Heartstring), Kiepenheuer & Witsch, September 2020


  • Deniz Ohde: Streulicht (English: Sky Glow), Suhrkamp, August 2020
  • Anne Weber: Annette, ein Heldinnenepos (English: Annette, a Heroine Epic), Matthes & Seitz Berlin, February 2020
  • Christine Wunnicke: Die Dame mit der bemalten Hand (English: The Lady With the Painted Hand), Berenberg, August 2020