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Reading in the Dark® Marie Gamillscheg: Riot of the Sea Creatures

20 October 2022
Live now
Orangerie im Günthersburgpark, Comeniusstraße 39, 60389 Frankfurt am Main

Reading without seeing - what different approaches to books are there for blind and visually impaired people? Look forward to a special literary experience!

Author Marie Gamillscheg and blind reader Sabine Lohner will read from Gamillscheg's current book "Aufruhr der Meerestiere" (Luchterhand Literaturverlag). In the novel, which is on the longlist for the German Book Prize, marine biologist Luise returns to her hometown of Graz for a project. It tells the story of years of speechlessness and strangeness between father and daughter. Following the reading, the author and reader will talk together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Kahlisch (director dzb lesen) about the novel and access to literature for people with disabilities. Developed by Fondazione LIA, Reading in the Dark® is an experiential event format in the dark. It aims to make sighted people aware of the different ways literature can be received and the new possibilities digital forms of publication open up.

Organized by the Frankfurt Book Fair, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, mediacampus frankfurt, Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbund in Hessen e.V. (BSBH), Fondazione LIA and Deutsches Zentrum für barrierefreies Lesen (dzb lesen). In the framework of BOOKFEST city and supported by the EU project Aldus Up.
