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Charisse Aquino Tugade

© Dennis Mendoza

Charisse Aquino Tugade

Executive Director
National Book Development Board (NBDB)

Charisse Aquino-Tugade is the Executive Director of the National Book Development Board (NBDB), a cultural worker, primary mover for CulturAid, founder of The Manila Collectible Co., and founding Director of Museo ng Muntinlupa. With interdisciplinary experience that spans the public and private sector, she creates an environment that empowers and amplifies voices, connecting communities and organizations that otherwise might not cross paths. As the NBDB Executive Director, she envisioned and spearheaded The Book Nook, storytelling and reading communities in indigenous and isolated areas around the islands, as well as the Philippine Book Festival, the country’s first and largest traveling book fair. She currently serves as a Co-Director of the Philippines as Guest of Honour at the 2025 Frankfurter Buchmesse.

Past Events

29 August 2024,

Tagay: A Night out in the Philippines
