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There is always something new to discover about the world’s largest content fair. Here is where you can find out more about current fair events and contests, as well as read relevant interviews with interesting people.


  • Onur Öztürk, Chefredakteur, Ginko Kitap, Türkei


    "It must be ensured that no publisher feels isolated when facing pressure for exercising the freedom to publish"

    What does freedom of expression mean to you personally? What do you think is the biggest challenge to freedom of expression? What can publishers from around the world do to promote freedom of expression? Onur Öztürk, Editor in Chief, Ginko Kitap, Turkey, on the occasion of the "Freedom of Expression Week".

  • Kristenn Einarsson 2024


    "Publishers have to stand in solidarity with others in the book sector who are also under pressure to censor."

    What does freedom of expression mean to you personally? What do you think is the biggest challenge to freedom of expression? What can publishers from around the world do to promote freedom of expression? Kristenn Einarsson, Chair, Freedom to Publish Committee, International Publishers Association, on the occasion of the "Freedom of Expression Week".

  • Simon de Jocas


    "When the cost of paper and printing is high, freedom to publish is also challenged"

    Publisher Simon de Jocas (Éditions Les 400 Coups, Canada) shares his thoughts with us on the occasion of the "Freedom of Expression Week": What does freedom of expression mean to you personally? What do you think is the biggest challenge to freedom of expression? What can publishers from around the world do to promote freedom of expression?

  • Urvashi Butalia


    "It means exercising a right while all the time being aware of the responsibility that freedom carries"

    "What does freedom of expression mean to you personally?" "What do you think is the biggest challenge to freedom of expression?" and "What can publishers from around the world do to promote freedom of expression?" Publisher Urvashi Butalia (zubaan Publishing House, India) shared her thoughts with us on the occasion of Freedom of Expression Week.

  • Alberto Bisi, Publisher


    "The essence of freedom of expression are independent publishers"

    Publisher Alberto Bisi (Italy/USA) shared his thoughts on questions "What does freedom of expression mean to you personally?" "What do you think is the biggest challenge to freedom of expression?" and "What can publishers from around the world do to promote freedom of expression?" with us on the occasion of Freedom of Expression Week.

  • Arthur Derrouaz


    "Creating international spaces for comics is commendable."

    The Comics Centre at last year's Frankfurter Buchmesse will become the Comics Business Centre in 2024. And Arthur Derrouaz, Rights Manager at the Steinkis Group and an expert on graphic novels, will be there. How does he work? How does he experience book fairs? And what exactly is solastalgia?

  • Autor Deniz Utlu


    "It makes a difference which literature, which language, under which conditions we grew up."

    The European Union Prize for Literature was awarded as part of the Foire des Livre du Bruxelles (3-7 April 2024). The prize aims to promote the diversity and visibility of the European literary scene internationally. Author Deniz Utlu was honoured with a Special Mention and spoke to us in Brussels about European reading and the potential beauty of difference.

  • Vira Kuryko (l) & Sofia Pokorchak (r)


    "...for us, there is no art outside of politics."

    "Visual Stories from Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine" is a creative comic book project, portraying and sharing the experiences of three women writers with the war. For the Ukraine, writer and journalist Vira Kuryko and artist Sofia Pokorchak are working together. In the interview, they talk about their motivation to join the project, about visual storytelling in war - how a bomber jet can resemble a giant raven, for instance - and they make demands towards the international culture industry.

  • Aktivist, Politologe und Bürgerrechtler: Bijan Moini


    AI, freedom and foreign cultural work: Bijan Moini in conversation

    Author, political scientist and civil rights campaigner: We caught up with Bijan Moini at the Taipei International Book Exhibition 2024 (20-25 February 2024), where he was attending this year at the invitation of Academia Sinica. He had already participated in the virtual programme of the TIBE in 2022 on the initiative of Frankfurter Buchmesse. Two of his books have since been published in Taiwan, including his pamphlet "Save Freedom! A wake-up call in the digital age".

  • Uschi Feldges und Tobias Pausinger bei Books at Berlinale 2024


    "It's about separation and falling in love again"

    Every year at the Berlinale, current books that have great potential to be made into films are presented at the Books at Berlinale event as part of the Berlinale Co-Production Market. Renowned publishers and literary agents pitch the material that can be turned into a film or series format to the filmmakers in attendance. We spoke to the two producers Uschi Feldges and Tobias Pausinger about their experiences of the event, what role they play as producers in literary adaptations and what ideas they are taking away from the event.
