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Portrait Jan Weiler

© Matthias Ziegler

Jan Weiler

Journalist, writer

Born in Düsseldorf in 1967, is a journalist and writer. And a father. Maybe that's why his Pubertier volumes were all bestsellers. Now his children are almost out of the house and he has time to take care of himself. That's why he tells about the "elders" in his new stories. Jan Weiler lives in Munich. His most recent novel was "Kühn hat Hunger". He was editor-in-chief of SZ Magazin for many years. His first book "Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!" is one of the most successful books of the past decades. It was followed by, among others: "Antonio im Wunderland" (2005), "Kühn hat zu tun" (2015) and "Im Reich der Pubertiere" (2016). Jan Weiler also writes radio plays and audio books, which he also voices himself.
