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Frankfurter Buchmesse 2020 BOOKFEST digital Ralf König

© Jens Schommer

Ralf König

Born in the German town of Soest in 1960, Ralf König studied graphic arts at Staatliche Kunstakademie (National Academy of Fine Arts) in Dusseldorf. In the late 1970s, he began publishing comic strips in various gay magazines. König achieved his international breakthrough with 1987’s graphic novel “Der Bewegte Mann” (published in English as “Maybe...Maybe Not”), which inspired the highest-grossing movie in German history. In a long-term relationship with Rowohlt Verlag, König has published more than 20 full-length comic books which have sold more than two million copies and were translated into 14 languages. Numerous awards include the Max und Moritz Price for his lifetime achievement in 2014. For “Die Unheimlichen” (“The Gruesome Ones”), the artist adapted Frankenstein in his signature style.
