© Matthias Heyse
Steffen Mau
C.H. Beck
Steffen Mau teaches macrosociology at the Humboldt University in Berlin. His most recent books are "Das metrische Wir. Über die Quantifizierung des Sozialen“ (2017) and "Lütten Klein. Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft" (2019). He was awarded the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation in 2021.
All events with Steffen Mau
21.10.2023 | 10-10:50 a.m.
„Apocalypse Now?“(opens in a new window)
22.10.2023 | 11:20-12 a.m.
3sat/SRF Kulturzeit Talk | Zukunft | Die Literaturbühne von ARD, ZDF und 3sat(opens in a new window)