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Understanding reading, promoting reading and defending democracy

Comparable reading surveys in (European) countries have been something, researchers as well as industry practicioners have been aspiring to for many years. With ERICS (EuRopean Item Core Set for Reading Surveys), Aldus Up, the Network of European Bookfair

From a Curious Brood to a Buzzing Hive of Readers: The Magic Touch of Reading Promoters

The panel will discuss the role of reading promotors in the contemporary media landscape by exploring national reading campaigns and the role of children's literature laureates in such campaigns.

Data And Reading and Publishing Research

The panel will discuss how publishing statistics, reading survey and cognitive research on reading can be combined to get a clearer view on the state of reading habits in a given society.

Ljubljana Reading Manifesto: Why Book Reading Matters

As a Guest of honour at Frankfurt book fair, Slovenia emphasizes higher-level reading in a Manifesto, stating it enhances critical thinking, cognitive empathy, and social skills crucial for informed citizens in a democratic society.

Ljubljana Reading Manifesto: What Is Its Background?

Panel explores the scientific evidence behind Ljubljana Reading Manifesto and discusses the relevance of books and book reading in the digital age.

Multimedia reading of the new Die drei ??? Graphic Novel „Hotel Bigfoot“ with the authors and illustrators Christopher Tauber and Calle Claus

Christopher Tauber and Calle Claus hijack to Rocky Beach with a new case for Die drei ???. The two authors and illustrators wake the graphic novel’s strong images to life during the reading.

Train the Brain: Book Reading and Critical Thinking

The panel will discuss higher level reading as one of essential tools for developing analytical and critical thinking.

Books and Screens and Kids' Brains

The panel will discuss the impact of print and screen media technologies on kid’s brains and differences in their usability in educational processes.

EU project: Europe is looking for homogeneous statistics on reading and translation.

Two studies by Aldus Up, the European book fairs network co-founded in the framework of the Creative Europe programme and coordinated by the Italian Publishers Association (AIE), which were published on the network's platform on 16 June during the Bologna Children's Book Fair show: Europe is not united yet when it comes to statistics on the book world. From reading habits to translations data, each country performs surveys independently, making it difficult to carry out an overall analysis of trends.

»New Daughters of Africa« Reading

Reading with translator Eleonore-Wiedenroth-Coulibaly

Reading Braille – Eine Lesung für Kinder (10+ Jahre) im DIALOGMUSEUM

Reading in the Dark® – "Volle Fahrt ins Abenteuer" von Katharina Reschke

"Die Nordseedetektive. Giftalarm!" - musical reading with Bettina Göschl

Bettina Göschl presents the latest volume of the series "Die Nordseedetektive" - with guitar Gitti.

»Last Call Manila«. Vorstellung des philippinischen Romans von Jose Dalisay

Gespräch und Lesung »Last Call Manila« von Jose Dalisay. Ein Roman voller Überraschungen, üppig erzählt und gekonnt komponiert. Er zeichnet ein fesselndes, ungeschminktes und einfühlsames Bild unserer heutigen Gesellschaft aus philippinischer Perspektive.

Marion Tauschwitz: »Selma Merbaum – Ich habe keine Zeit gehabt zuende zu schreiben«.

Marion Tauschwitz liest auf der »Leseinsel der unabhängigen Verlage« der Kurt Wolff Stiftung aus der Neuauflage ihrer Biografie »Selma Merbaum – Ich habe keine Zeit gehabt zuende zu schreiben« anlässlich des 100. Todestages der Dichterin im Jahr 2024.

Reading therapy: How to talk to children about war

This event is suitable for parents, educators, caregivers, and anyone interested in fostering empathy, understanding, and resilience in children when discussing difficult subjects like war.

About books. Miniature readings, comversations & songs on celebration of the 75th Frankfurt Book Fair.

Entertaining stories from publishers, printers, book fairs, stores, readers, editors, reviewers ... Eleonore Hochmuth sings book songs for the fair's anniversary

Attention Crisis and Book Reading

The panel will discuss attention crisis as one of important features of digital age.

How the Wild Changed Me ——A Philosophical Journey. Readings and Discussion with Lung Yingtai

Snail sex, demanding deities, a cold case - everyday life in Taiwan holds the most unbelievable stories in store. Lung Ying-Tai compiled them in her first novel. Where does the journey to “Under Mount Kavulungan” take us?

Presentation of the RAF novel "Erzählung zur Sache" - Reading with Stephanie Bart

In conversation with her publisher Christian Ruzicska, Stephanie Bart presents her new novel "Erzählung zur Sache", which has been widely reviewed and praised by the press.