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Our measures on the fairground – visit safely

Regardless of the legal regulations, we adhere to the following safety and hygiene measures:

Icon Monitoring
Icon Optimierte Aufplanung der Hallen

Optimised hall layouts

Sufficient space is created everywhere through wider hall aisles and larger entrance areas.

Icon Monitoring


Our service and security personnel will monitor participant flow onsite and via video and intervene if necessary to resolve crowding and congestion.

Icon Leitsystem und Besucher*innenführung

Guidance system and visitor signage

Optimised signage and signposting will guide visitors to their appointments and exhibition areas.

Icon Belüftung und Luftwechselrate

Ventilation and air exchange

We will ensure an above-average rate of air exchange along with ventilation that uses the highest possible proportion of fresh air – everywhere and at all times.

Icon Desinfektionsmittelspender auf dem Gelände

Disinfectant dispensers on the premises

Hand sanitisers will be available at all entrances and in sanitary rooms.

Further safety measures