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Like you, we want your time at the 76th Frankfurter Buchmesse (16 - 20 October 2024) to be a  success. You will find all the information you need for a thorough preparation on the following pages.

Webinar "How to #fbm24 – Fair Preparations"

In case you missed it, or if you want to listen to parts of it again, here is the recording.

Go to recrding

Presentation for the webinar "How to #fbm - Fair Preparations".

Go to slides

In the video we explain how to set up and select equipment for your System Stand.

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Frankfurt Connect

The Exhibitor Directory and the Calendar of Events are being redeveloped and expanded to include a range of additional digital services. At Frankfurt Connect, we are combining the unique Book Fair experience full of stories, encounters and dialogue with the digital space.

Digital Presence at Frankfurt Connect

More attention for your event

Speakerinnen im Talk

Your event in the Frankfurter Buchmesse calendar

Want optimum visibility for your events and speakers – and also for your company? It’s easy with the Calendar of Events on Frankfurt Connect. We’ll show you how step by step.

How to use the Calendar of Events

Exhibitor Ticket Portal

You can use the Exhibitor Ticket Portal to create, manage and send all trade fair tickets. Find out more about this year's ticket shop on the following page.

Ausblick Frankfurter Buchmesse

Service providers at a glance

Catering service, graphic designers or shipping companies – here you will find an overview with the contact information for all our service partners.


Fair preparation

All the key information you need to ensure that your time at the fair is an absolute success.

Hand auf Rücken

New Exhibitor Directory

Have you heard about our new Exhibitor Directory? You can find it on Frankfurt Connect, Frankfurter Buchmesse’s new digital platform. After registering, you can add your company profile to the Exhibitor Directory and publish your events in the digital Calendar of Events.

Find out more about Frankfurt Connect

Fair visa for exhibitors and visitors

Do you need a visa to enter Germany? We have compiled all the key information to ensure that you can take care of it in time.

Hall Plan

The whole fair at a glance: our Hall Plan is your map and guide to the Frankfurter Buchmesse again this year.

Handy mit Buchmesse-Website


Do you have any questions or would you like to arrange a consultation? We look forward to your enquiry and will be happy to help you.

Contact us